Are You a Carer?
Do you look after or support a friend or family member with a long term illness, disability, mental health condition or addiction?
Carers that look after a friend or relative are referred to as unpaid carers.
Carers can be adults or children. It is widely recognised that carers are often not supported appropriately. The NHS has mandated to improve the support it offers carers.
Please let us know if you consider yourself as a Carer so we can make a record of this. We will try to accomodate you around your commitments where possible.
If you are struggling to care for someone, don't be ashamed. Caring is an enormous emotional and physical responsibility. Talk to us and explore some of the support available.
We can also refer you to a social prescriber who can help you explore services, benefits and other types of support for you.
NHS social care and support guide
Young Carers

If you are struggling with your own mental health, please talk to us. Alternatively seek support from the above websites or visit Therapy for You.